Category: About

Brazil Trip 2001

We give God all the glory for this trip!  The missionary Abel family that we stayed with down there was amazing. We learned so much just from watching their daily lives.  We all have hopes of returning to Brazil; maybe some as full-time missionaries in the future.  Please pray for missions!

Here we are singing a song that we learned in Portuguese for a youth night.

This is a skit that Jesse and Lidia did for the youth night.
We did two kid’s clubs in two different churches.  We presented the wordless book story along with a glove illustration.  15 kids came forward at each place.  We praise God for the beautiful simplicity of the Gospel.

Kid’s showing off their Salvation Bracelets following one of the Kid’s Clubs

Sarah and I with two kids from the orphanage.  The kids were adorable.  Sarah changed her plane ticked to be able to stay and work there.

This is us painting a house in the little village that we were staying.  Don’t you love that shade of blue?…

I got some on my shoe…
….whatever shall I do?….
…stop it! stop it!  and I mean it!
….anybody want a peanut?…

Tom is awesome, but one day he decided to try to drown on us.  He got to be carried away by all those nice guys and ride in a great ambulance, though.  We’re so glad he was ok.

We had the opportunity to be involved in a big Youth Camp over Carnaval.  It was a great time of meeting new friends, learning more Portuguese and never having a dull moment with the schedule of activities.  A week of memories….

That’s All Folks!  To God be the glory! ~  luke

Extreme Sports

We have always enjoyed active, outdoor and extreme sports!

Skydiving, Cliff Jumping, Rock Climbing, Wakeboarding, Snowboarding – we live in the natural playground of the Pacific Northwest!


Jesse on the wakeboard!

Attempting a flip on a tiny wake near Orondo in Eastern Washington.



Here’s Luke coming in for the final approach on the first jump.  We jumped twice that day.  Both were static jumps from a Cessna 182 at 3000 feet.  I found out first-hand, why the birds sing.

Here’s Luke.  Still high in the sky on the adrenaline rush.  This was about the time that he realized that this could easily become an addiction. It is truly an experience beyond description!



This was one of our favorite jumps at Steven’s Pass, Washington.

I love the color of the sky.  It’s the deepest blue ever.


Cliff Jumping!

Cliff jumping is almost as great as skydiving. This is a jump from our favorite spot up in Anacortes, Washington.

This is Luke trying a swan dive from the tree. We jump the cliffs here from 15 feet to 60 feet.


Rock Climbing

This is Zane climbing at one of our favorite spots.  Mount Eerie. Rock climbing allows you to put yourself safely in situations that you would never otherwise be in, and it can be a real rush.


Luke – About

lukeName: Luke

Home: I live in beautiful Arlington, Washington, nestled between the snowcapped mountains of the Cascades and the salty waters of Puget Sound.

Job: I am currently serving as Pastor of Youth and Young Adults at Atonement Free Lutheran Church with an incredible group of young people!

Family: I am married to the most amazing woman in the world and love being dad to my four boys! Growing up, I was the oldest of nine kids – 6 boys and 3 girls – and it was tons of fun. Never a dull moment!

Hobbies: Some of my favorite things to do include: rock climbing, cliff jumping, snowboarding, wakeboarding, bungy jumping, skydiving, scuba diving and travelling.

My Passion: My life’s highest aim is to know Jesus Christ in a deeper way and to help other young people, families and individuals know Him. If you know about Jesus, but do not really KNOW Him, I would love to chat about it with you. It’s the best news ever!

Summer – About

headshotName: Summer

Home: Originally from the country acres of south central Georgia.

Job: I am a mom of four boys and work as a private piano teacher. I also lead a girls choir called 4ThisTime, and serve my church with the music program.

Family: I love being a mom of my four boys.  Growing up, I was the oldest of seven kids – 4 boys and 3 girls!

Hobbies: Some of my favorite things to do include- spending time in the sunshine, enjoying good coffee with friends, snowboarding, wakeboarding, working out, travelling, and anything that has to do with music.

My Passion: I desire that everything I play and write will reflect the character of Jesus Christ. I pray He will always be glorified, and that in some way my life would always point others to Jesus.